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  • Preventive measures:

We have found legal solutions to solve conflicts of public-private nature, without going through courts, always designing strategies with an approach that optimizes cost-benefit and win-win solutions. Examples are Queretaro-Irapuato Highway Public Private Partnership (PPP), in which through administrative actions and communications, an imminent conflict between the investor and the Federal Government was avoided with favourable outcomes for both parties; we also participated in the issuance of a presidential Decree that stablished a conciliation mechanism between the Federal Government and the parties, whether proceedings before courts have been initiated or not.

  • Conciliation mechanisms: 

DLG Abogados philosophy dictates always seeking the maximum benefit for the client and achieving win-win scenarios for all parties. We successfully resolved the legal conflict that prevailed over the contract for the provision of long-term services in Ciudad Judicial, Oaxaca, where the State Government saved the amount of 1,200 million pesos to be used in a more efficient manner and for the benefit of all its citizens.


  • Litigation: 

In constitutional, tax, finance administrative and international litigation, we have obtained favourable resolutions in amparo trials involving considerable amounts of money. Among the most relevant are: cap to social previsions tax deductions (60 thousand million pesos), confirmation of sugar refineries expropriation process (10 thousand million pesos), mining rights confirmation (6 thousand million pesos); Special Tax for sugar-sweetened drinks; VAT for processed foods; no Income Tax exemption for stock and equity transfers (20 thousand million pesos). Furthermore, we participated in the successful legal defence of the most relevant legal reforms in the past two decades, such as Social Security (IMSS and ISSSTE), state owned enterprises liquidations such as Luz y Fuerza, Banrural, sugar refineries; bankruptcy procedures like Mexicana, Oceanografía and FICREA.


Moreover, we were part of the legal teams within the Federal Government responsible of defending before courts and the Supreme Court of Justice, the constitutionality of different actions enacted by the executive branch, mainly in issues related with public finance, such as the executive power to veto the Federal Budget, public debt powers and limits of the Executive and Congress, federal revenue coordination system with states and municipalities.


In addition, DLG Abogados has successfully conducted several litigations in different matters, among others, amparos and administrative appeals in tax and energy.

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