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Regulatory and financial supervision, banking and fintech industries in particular; corporate government, corporate auditing and internal control; international trade negotiations.

  • Certified

as AML compliance officer, by the National Banking Commission (CNBV).


Participation in putting together and follow up  on the placement of the regulatory framework for the Fintech industry in Mexico. (law, regulations and guidelines).

Participation in designing the strategy and coordination of the authorization process to obtain a license to operate a digital wallet (IFPE) in Mexico.

  • Financial reform 2014

Integral reform comprising 34 financial laws, including a new banking resolution scheme, introduction of  new stock market trading products (CKDs/FIBRAS), and a new catalogue of sanctions, and supervision powers for the Financial Supervisory Commissions and other supervisory entities  such as the CNBV, IPAB, CONDUSEF and Banxico).

Harmonization of several banking laws and regulations, to put them in line with the international AML standards (GAFI/FATF) and capital and liquidity international requirements (Basel, FSB and G20).

New Insurance and Bond Industry Law (Solvency II). 2013

Integral legal reform of the low tier banking and savings sector. 2014

  • Corporate Government

Currently, Independent Board Member and President of the Auditing Committee for CFE Transmisión- EPS.

Currently, Independent Board Member and President of the Auditing Committee  for Sociedad Hipotecaria Federal SNC and for Seguros de Crédito a la Vivienda.

Member, permanent invitee and legal advisor to the Board Meetings of the CNBV, CNSF, IPAB, the Financial Stability Council and the Finanical Inclusion Council. 2007-2016.

  • Negotiations of International trade agreements

NAFTA 1.0 and Mex-EU FTA on financial services, dispute resolutions, foreign investment, energy, government procurement, bilateral cooperation initiatives and trade policy issues between Mexico, the US and the European Union.

Implementation and design of lobbying campaigns involving trade matters and legislative procedures before legislative and regulatory authorities in Mexico, the US and the European Union.



Of counsel expert on financial affairs

Master Degree in Law (LLM International Business Law)

London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). 1990/91

Law degree

National University UNAM. 1985-1990


US Corporate Boards. 

Keys to Selection and Service. Executive Education SMU-COX Business School, Dallas TX. 2017

Diploma in Business Management.  

Boston University, Brussels. 2002


  • Currently. Director General for ePlata Mexico (digital wallet)


  • Deputy Federal Fiscal Attorney for Financial Affairs, Min. of Finance (SHCP). 2007-2016

  • Deputy Representative to the EU, Ministry of Economy, Mission of Mexico, Brussels. 1999-2007

  • Operational and Project Lawyer for Latin America and the Caribbean, World Bank Group, Washington, D.C. 1997-1999

  • Legal Counselor, NAFTA Office, Embassy of Mexico, Washington D.C. 1995-1997

  • Foreign Lawyer, Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton, New York, NY. 1993-1995

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